Putting Out The Fire and Cleaning

You have completed your grilling session and it is time to put The Bastard’s fire out. For this, we have listed the following steps for you:

  • Remove all food residues. For burnt-on food residues, it may help to heat up the Bastard first, after cooling down you can easily remove the food residues with the BBQ brush. After that, you can grease the grill with vegetable oil to prevent rusting.
  • Close the top cap and damper. Due to the lack of oxygen, the coals in the firebox will slowly extinguish and the kamado will quietly cool down. Never douse a kamado with water!
  • If you are going to clean the Bastard, do so only after it has cooled down completely, remove the grate, the plate setter rack, and gently shake the charcoal basket with the remaining coals so that any ash ends up in the ash lifter.
  • You can simply reuse the coals left over in the next grilling session.
  • Empty the ash lifter and remove excess ash with duster and ash pan.
  • After all the ash has been removed, you can put the plate setter rack and grill back.
  • After the Bastard has cooled down completely, you can put the rain cover back over it to optimally protect it from weather influences.